Cactus Computer & Internet


Email Options

Below are options for Email-only accounts and add-ons to existing email accounts.

Standard POP3 or IMAP account limits - $12.00 per year for each account if bought separately.  Included at no extra charge with dialup, web site, wireless, etc. accounts.

  • Maximum mailbox size:  1 Gigabyte
  • Maximum email size:  30 megabytes
  • Maximum amount of email sent in one day:  200 megabytes
  • Maximum recipients in one day:  200

      If you need larger limits to any of the above, please contact us.

Deluxe POP3 accounts - add $25.00 per year for each email account

  • Maximum mailbox size:  10 Gigabyte
  • Maximum email size:  50 megabytes
  • Maximum amount of email sent in one day:  500 megabytes
  • Maximum recipients in one day: 2000

Email left on the servers for more than 90 days may be deleted.  Mailboxes not accessed for 90 days will be removed.  If you're using Web Email and need to save a few messages, do not leave them in your InBox.